Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Caso Family

This family gave me a run for my money...literally. These boys did not want their pictures taken, so Mom, Dad, and I were running to keep up with them. In the end, I think I got a couple of cute ones.

The family (almost all looking)...
3.13.2011 Cuso Family

The oldest...
3.13.2011 Cuso Oldest Boy
3.13.2011 Big Brother (72/365)

The youngest...
3.13.2011 Cuso Youngest Boy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Luke!

This cute little guy turns 1 this week.  He's such a little sweetie.

Crawling Luke

Laughing Luke

Playing Luke

I love how serious he is in this one.
Serious Luke

Happy 1st Birthday Luke!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cute Sisters

I got to take pictures of these cuties today.  The oldest loved being in front of the camera, but the littlest one lasted about 5 minutes before she was over it.  
3.5.2011 Sisters (64/365)

3.5.2011 Littlest One

3.5.2011 Big Sister

I love this one.  The oldest was so sweet, but the baby wanted nothing to do with laying on the ground with her sister.
3.5.2011 Girls