Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jamie's having a baby!

I had the privilege of photographing this beautiful mama today!
4.30.2011 Jamie (120/365)
Jamie belly
And Daddy too...
New Mom and Dad

Jocelyn and Lucas

Such cute kids...
Cute together
Brother and Sister
Handsome L
Stop and smell the roses

Monday, April 18, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cute Audrey and Abby

The oldest...
Oldest A
Cute feet

The youngest...
Youngest A
Pretty flower

Sister holding hands

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Caso Family

This family gave me a run for my money...literally. These boys did not want their pictures taken, so Mom, Dad, and I were running to keep up with them. In the end, I think I got a couple of cute ones.

The family (almost all looking)...
3.13.2011 Cuso Family

The oldest...
3.13.2011 Cuso Oldest Boy
3.13.2011 Big Brother (72/365)

The youngest...
3.13.2011 Cuso Youngest Boy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Luke!

This cute little guy turns 1 this week.  He's such a little sweetie.

Crawling Luke

Laughing Luke

Playing Luke

I love how serious he is in this one.
Serious Luke

Happy 1st Birthday Luke!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cute Sisters

I got to take pictures of these cuties today.  The oldest loved being in front of the camera, but the littlest one lasted about 5 minutes before she was over it.  
3.5.2011 Sisters (64/365)

3.5.2011 Littlest One

3.5.2011 Big Sister

I love this one.  The oldest was so sweet, but the baby wanted nothing to do with laying on the ground with her sister.
3.5.2011 Girls

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Delgado Family

I love babies, and I loved being able to take pictures of this little cutie today. Thanks Delgado family!

Sweet E Baby

Ruffle Butt

Happy Parents

E Baby with Daddy

Big Brother

The Family

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Micah and Crystal

I am really excited to be able to photograph Micah and Crystal's wedding in just a couple of months. I had fun taking these engagement photos of them.

2.20.2011 Micah and Crystal (51/365)

Micah and Crystal Engagement 4

Micah and Crystal Engagement 6

Micah and Crystal Engagement 5

Micah and Crystal Engagement 1

Her beautiful ring...
Micah and Crystal Engagement 3

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ang and Tim

Today I got to photograph my dear friend Angela and her fiance, Tim. I had a lot of fun watching them being in love. Here are a few of my favorites so far...

2.19.2011 Ang and Tim (51/365)

Ang and Tim-2

Ang and Tim-1

Ang and Tim-3

Ang and Tim-5

Ang and Tim-4