Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Other Part of the Eckler Family

I love this family and I was so excited to be able to take a few photos of them.
9.18.2010 Eckler Family-16

9.18.2010 Eckler Family-13

9.18.2010 Eckler Family-18

9.18.2010 Eckler Family-49

This is their newest cutie. Dad is going to be fighting off lots of guys for a long time!
9.18.2010 Eckler Family-37

Beach House

Every summer, we get the luxury of staying at a beach house with some very dear friends, thanks to their wonderful parents.  While we were there, I took some pictures of this beautiful family.
Eckler Family-14

Eckler Family-22

Eckler Family-5

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Few of Two Handsome Young Men...

Not only are these boys handsome, they are so polite and cooperative.  Thanks for letting me enjoy the beauty of your backyard!  Here are a few of my favorites.

9.4.2010 Diego-12

9.4.2010 Diego-17

9.4.2010 Diego-15

9.4.2010 Nick-8

9.4.2010 Nick-4