Sunday, December 12, 2010


I said that I was done taking pictures for the season, but I have a hard time turning down opportunities to take pictures of little cuties, especially ones who like having their picture taken, like this little one.
12.11.2010 Cutie in B&W
She had fun playing in the leaves...
12.11.2010 Playing in the leaves
12.11.2010 Fall!
12.11.2010 Eyes!
12.11.2010 Sweet Cutie

Monday, December 6, 2010

Last shoot of the season...

For my last shoot of the season, I got to photograph this beautiful family...
12.5.2010 Cute Family
12.5.2010 Family
12.5.2010 Family Smiles
12.5.2010 Little Guy
12.5.2010 Playing in the leaves
12.5.2010 Parents
12.5.2010 Mama and her boy
It's been a great season, and I am very thankful for all of the families who allowed me into their lives. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cute family...

Aren't they beautiful?!?
11.28.2010 Beautiful Family
11.28.2010 Family with tree
11.28.2010 Fun Family
11.28.2010 Sweet girl
11.28.2010 Little cutie
11.28.2010 Dancing with Daddy

The Bekins Family

I had the chance to photograph these cuties a few weeks ago, but we tried again to get some with Dad. Here are some of my favorites...
11.28.2010 Family
11.28.2010 Family Fun
11.28.2010 Oldest Cutie
11.28.2010 Youngest Cutie
11.28.2010 Sisters
11.28.2010 with Daddy

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I love these girls...

These girls are just so cute. The had many different poses for me and cute little smirks and I had so much fun photographing them.
11.27.2010 Sisters
11.27.2010 Youngest Girl B&W
11.27.2010 Oldest Girl B&W
11.27.2010 Sisters

Monday, November 29, 2010

Campos Family

Isn't this family so cute???
11.27.2010 Campos Family Standing
11.27.2010 Campos Oldest Boy
11.27.2010 Campos Oldest Boy
11.27.2010 Campos Boys with Mom
11.27.2010 Campos Parents
11.27.2010 Campos Family Walking

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Zavadil Family

Here is my friend from work and her good looking family.
11.26.2010 Zavadil Family
11.26.2010 Zavadil Family
11.26.2010 Zavadil Parents
11.26.2010 Zavadil Boys

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Olson Family

Most of the time, I am hired to take photos of families with small children, so I end up chasing children around hoping that they will look at me and smile. I love the little ones, but today, I had the opportunity to photograph a friend , her husband, and their adult children. When I asked them to look at me and smile, they all did it. It was kind of a nice change.
Here's what we got...
11.26.2010 The Olson Family
11.26.2010 The Olson Family
11.26.2010 The Olson Family
11.26.2010 The Olson Kids
Thanks Bobbi and family!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November craziness continues...

I have had the opportunity to photograph so many beautiful families during the month of November, and I am loving it!

Today, I had this gorgeous family in front of my camera. There are so many pictures that I really like that I had a hard time just picking a few to share.

The family...
11.24.2010 The family
11.24.2010 Family with blue door
The boy...
11.24.2010 The boy 2
11.24.2010 The boy with blue door
The girl...
11.24.2010 The girl 1
11.24.2010 The girl 2
The kids together...
11.24.2010 Siblings 3
11.24.2010 Siblings 1
(These next two are my favorites)
11.24.2010 Siblings 2
11.24.2010 Kids with blue door
And, lastly, the parents...
11.24.2010 Parents with blue door